The Yoga Way
Why savasana is the hardest pose.
Why savasana is the hardest pose!
Picture the scene, you’ve nailed every pose, followed every instruction to the letter and you’re even starting to think that you’ve got this yoga thing down. It gets to the end of practice and the teacher announces that it’s time to prepare for savasana.
You pull on some extra layers. Rest your head on a block, pop a bolster behind your knees and settle in for the perfect savasana. The teacher begins and then……
“What am I having for dinner”,
“Karen really annoyed me in that meeting earlier, must speak to her tomorrow”
“ I forgot to pickup milk,”
“must remember to put those finishing touches to that presentation before next week”
You then become aware of the teachers voice, just as she says it’s time to slowly come up to seated.
Sound familiar?
Of course it does, because it’s really hard to allow yourself 10 minutes of stillness and rest. In a world filled with constant distractions, we’re simply not taught to believe that stillness and rest is a good thing, not to mention that when we do find ourself with ten minutes to lie in savasana, we suddenly have to contend with our inner chatter box, who wants to fill that quiet with all the things!
That’s why savasana is one of the hardest poses, it requires mental relaxation, stillness and letting go; all while having an inner awareness of your body and breath.
Savasana is not just lying down and going to sleep (however if you do fall asleep, I salute you) it allows you to reap the physical and mental benefits of your practice, it is during the stillness of savasana that the body and mind come together and make the adaptations cultivated during the movement practice.
It looks like simply lying down, but it’s when the inner chatter can become the loudest, making it really hard to find the relaxation sweet spot that is the jewel of yoga. Just like everything, it takes practice and intention to develop your perfect savasana.
Here are some techniques that might help….
Be comfortable
I cannot stress this enough, find a savasana position where you can completely rest. The body should feel fully supported and comfortable. Make sure you are warm enough with extra layers.
Focus on your breathing
By paying attention to the breath you can be fully and completely in the body. Each time you notice the mind wondering off, come back to the feeling of the breath moving in the body.
Do a body scan
Mentally scan the body, slowly moving the minds awareness over the front body followed by the back body. Pay attention to parts of the body that feel tense, and notice when the mind wants to wonder. When it does just bring your awareness back to the body.
Give yourself time and patience
Remember, savasana is hard. Being able to find stillness in savsaana is a skill that develops with time and practice. Be kind and patient with yourself. Each time the mind wanders, just bring it back to the present moment. Each time you come to savasana it will slowly get easier so you can reap the many rewards the pose offers.
So, yes savasana is hard but stick with it. It’s so worth it.
Let’s begin now - lie down, breathe deeply and let go of ‘busy’ for just a few moments.
Let me know how you get on.
See you on the mat.