Yep even yoga has small print. Please take a moment to read and familiarise yourself with the below information so we can all practice safely and happily together.

the small print

Health Disclaimer

Yoga with Verity provides services with your health and safety in the forefront of mind, it’s important to remember that each individual has their own limitations and it is therefore critical that you consult your physician or primary healthcare provider for necessary medical advice before starting a new physical activity.

If you have any known injuries, are pregnant or breastfeeding it is your responsibility to ensure you have made the teacher aware before taking part in a new class.

It is important to remember that exercise is not without its risks, and this or any exercise programme can result in injury. They include but are not limited to; risk of injury, aggravation of an existing injury or condition, or adverse effect of overexertion.

Yoga with Verity disclaims any liability from and in connection with anything that should have been brought to the attention of the teacher before class.

Ensure you complete the PAR-Q in advance of starting class.

Please note that advice and commentary given on this website does not in any way substitute advice from your personal healthcare professional. Yoga has many positive health outcomes and the benefits are vast, but only when used in conjunction with any prescribed advice from your health care provider.

A note about your data

Yoga with Verity take your personal information very seriously, all the information you share with us is saved securely using encryption software. We love being able to contact you about all thing Yoga, but please know that at any time you can let us know if you wish to stop receiving Yoga with Verity updates.

We will never your information with a third party or other service provider without your knowledge.