4 ways to create Yoga a habit, that sticks.

21, 66 or 100 days? How long does it really take to create a yoga habit? Or any kind of habit for that matter?

A quick google search will return these answers and many, many more.

So how long does it really take to create a habit?

The not so fun answer is it depends.

Please don’t shoot the messenger, I’m here to use the rest of this blog to give some simple, practical steps to help get you started.

The reason that we simply don’t know definitively how long it takes to create a lifelong habit, is because we are all so different. We have different motivations, amounts of time and environments, to mention a few.

The truth is the wonderful uniqueness of being human also translates into how we create our habits.

In our busy fast-paced lives finding moments for yoga can feel overwhelming, there is always something else to do.

Yoga is a practice of movement that involves finding time for yourself to move, breath and be fully present with yourself. Embarking on a yoga journey can be transformative and rewarding but getting started can be a challenge.

Fear not, I’m going to guide you through some simple steps in the process of creating a yoga habit. Please note that although I’m talking specifically about yoga these steps will work for any habit you’ve got in mind.

  1. Be clear of your intention

    It sounds so simple doesn’t it? Why do you want to start a yoga habit? This is the first step, know your why. Get a piece of paper and a pen. Write YOGA in the middle of the page and around it write all the reasons you want to start a yoga habit. One (maybe two) will jump out at you and this will become your WHY. Knowing why you want to start something is the most important part of the habit creating process.

  2. Get your environment ready

    We really are products of our environment, so if your immediate surroundings make it harder for you to start - you simply won’t do it. If your just starting you might want to attend a weekly class to get you started. Having a recurring booking means your more likely to turn up, as you have made that commitment in advance to yourself. Another idea is to set-up a space at home that becomes your yoga space, the only rule is MAKE IT EASY! If you have to move the furniture or the kids toys before you can begin - you won’t do it. Also, consider making it feel super special by adding candles, plants, or calming scents. Make it yours and make it a space you want to be in.

  3. Start with a snack

    Didn’t expect this one did you. Sorry it’s not that kind of snack. One of the main reasons we let good habits slip by the way side is because we start to big. We go alllllllll in on day one and this makes it hard to keep up. This time begin by adding a yoga snack into your day. Spend five minutes on your mat first thing in the morning or leave your mat out so you can enjoy a couple of Sun Salutations when you get in from a long day at the office. There are so many ways to have a yoga snack, You Tube has thousands of 5,10,15 minute classes you can save and come back to again and again.

  4. Just be kind to yourself

    They’ll be none of this ‘no pain, no gain’ around here. By now you know your WHY and your HOW so remember to be kind to yourself. If you have missed a class or haven’t even started, then spend some time asking yourself ‘what’s stopping me?’ Really listen to what your body, mind and breath are trying to tell you. It might be that you need some more sleep, or more white space in your ical. Ultimately, your brain is always trying to keep you safe and the prospect of starting something new might just be just too much. Try this. Sit somewhere you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Pay attention to the feeling of the breath. Once you feel settled, bring to mind your why. Hold it in your mind for five rounds of breath and then recite to yourself ‘I DESERVE MY TIME FOR YOGA BECAUSE…. (insert your why here).’ then give yourself a moment to pay attention to any thoughts or feelings that arise in the mind and/or body as you recited your why. When you open your eyes and write down what came-up, this can be words or a sentence even a drawing if that’s more your thing.

    Now you know what is stopping you, and awareness is the key to change.

    Cultivating a yoga habit is an enriching endeavour that will nurture both your physical and mental well-being. By setting clear intentions, creating an appealing environment and taking time for a yoga snack, you’ll be able to embark on a transformative journey towards balance, harmony and inner peace (sounds wonderful doesn’t it). Please remember the most important aspect is to enjoy the process and most important of all be kind to yourself.

    Enjoy and see you on the mat soon.


    PS. If you would like some advice or encouragement getting started please feel free to DM or email me. I’d love to help or hear how you’re getting on.


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